During her first year in the Pornhub Model Program, LuxuryGirl immediately became one the top Models in the program and was name Model of the Month. And recently, she won the top Amateur of the Year award on Pornhub and had the number one, most-viewed video of 2020. Not only has Kristina become a big name on our site, but she's also helped other Models in their careers when she launched her own talent agency. Keep reading and find out LuxuryGirl reached her career goals sooner than she expected!
What sort of misconceptions do you think people still have about female adult performers specifically today? How can we change that? How do you challenge it?
There is an opinion out there that pornstars are either easy or unstable, and nothing more. As always, we are too quick to judge instead of even entertaining the thought that in today's world a woman is free to choose her occupation, whatever it may be. And her decision doesn’t necessarily initiate from a rough upbringing or that she is misled or forced into something. These days, with all the bureaucracy involved, it’s much harder to force someone into the industry. Women themselves choose this path and financial gain is far from being the only denominator. For me personally, I wanted to see if I can expand the “normality” of our society, to do something that most view as taboo. Most people didn’t understand me at first, but when success came, they quickly changed their mind. Today, they can’t wait to use their bragging rights. By no means is this my ultimate goal, but these things do amuse me because the change is already taking place, whether people acknowledge it or not. I think that the porn industry is going through a certain renaissance. People see that pornography can have a certain aesthetics and are actively searching for it. That’s why amateur porn is so huge now; it’s as raw and real as it can get.
As for how I challenge these misconceptions, the first thing I would say is: I aim to show myself just the way I am. I want to show my viewers a certain fantasy, but not mislead them on who I am. I consider myself to be a decent and educated person who still has her moral principles. Principles which I stand by and that are not all tied to my profession. I always engage with my audience, thanks to all the social media, so that they can see that I’m not that much different from their friends, coworkers, and other women that surround them in everyday life.
This theme this year is Choose to Challenge in order to bring forth positive changes. So what are you choosing to challenge?
I just launched an entertainment show on my Pornhub page. In this show, you will be able to see pornstars for who they are in everyday life. With this show, I want to challenge people’s perspective on the industry and the Models.
And this challenge goes far beyond my own presence on Pornhub. Today, PornHub is a central block of our industry, but some of the attention it gets is completely unjust. I’ve been part of the Model Program for 2 years now and have personally experienced how much they do to make sure that everything is according to the law. It shocks me to see the level of aggression that media and financial institutions direct towards PH. My life has drastically changed for the better since I signed up for the Model Program and a lot of other Models can say the same. It helped us open new doors, and even if I could, I would never change my decision.

What does International Women’s Day mean to you? How has your perception of what being a woman is all about changed over the years?
I absolutely love this holiday. Today, women get congratulated and celebrated for just being who they are. It’s wonderful seeing women know their rights and being able to freely express their opinion in many parts of the world. But that doesn’t mean that these rights are at the expense of our femininity and grace. We can be the whole package where those features go hand in hand with life ambitions and strong character.
What has been your biggest success thus far?
My biggest success is that by the age of 27, I achieved everything I had hoped to achieve by 30. Whether it’s with my career or my personal life, it all took a lot of work and continues to be so every day. This might be a cliché, but it’s so true: Don’t leave it for tomorrow if you can do it today.
After you got your degree in stage director and traveled around, what was it that inspired you to challenge these barriers you had of what was socially acceptable?
Getting a degree as a stage director taught me how to better look at life as an artist, outside the box. It’s true that higher education and traveling helped me a lot, but to be honest, I never really felt like I had those internal barriers to begin with. I’ve always been fairly openminded when it came to life choices.
When I was little, my mom used to tell me to always listen to my heart and intuition first, and her advice helped me a lot. We have a saying, “That many people, that many opinions.” It’s crazy to expect everyone to agree with you, so why should you let it stop you at all? I certainly don’t, and neither should you. That doesn’t mean I don’t take what other people think into consideration, especially those close to me. Of course I do, and often enough, their advice is a solid one, but I evaluate those opinions first and then make decisions based on my own opinion.
When my partner and I began filming, we were prepared to expect that our inner circle might take it negatively. But in reality, it didn’t affect our relationships all that much. If you choose to be a decent and a good person, your true friends and family will always be by your side. There were, of course, some people (mostly acquaintances, former coworkers, etc.) who reacted negatively and were rude about it as well. But honestly, why would I care? I’m so happy with my life that I don’t even think about that unless someone asks me.
How did you feel when you were nominated for a Pornhub award only a year after joining the industry and the Model Program?
I joined the Pornhub Model Program a little over 2 years ago. During the first year, I got Model of the Month and that was huge for me. Besides the obvious excitement, it was a great boost to my confidence. To get that award meant that viewers actually liked my content and I was moving in the right direction.
So this year, when I got not one, but two awards, it brought me tears of joy. It’s hard to put into words how much this means to me. My artistic and financial success is directly dependent on the quality of my videos. So to get these awards once again confirmed my belief in myself and my path. In a way, it keeps me focused on work and at the same time, it shields me from overextending myself too much.
I’m very proud of these awards and they’re definitely some of my brightest achievements of 2020. But I don’t want to treat it as the finish line of my success, but rather something that gives me the motivation to do even more for myself, my fans, Pornhub, and the entire industry.
Why did you decide to launch your own talent agency? What do you love most about running your own agency/ What’s the most challenging part?
The fact that there is even an agency is a result of the hard work of my boyfriend, who most know as “David,” the team that he assembled, and myself. So in this context, I don’t want to say “I,” but rather “we.” Two years ago, we knew very little about porn, we watched it ourselves and that’s about it. But when we began shooting our videos, we started to educate ourselves on it all: How everything is set up, what is trending, which studios are out there, etc. And it’s like we entered a whole new world and were shocked at how everything operated. It’s an unusual mix of modern technology, art, creative people, and big money. The more we learned, the more we liked this world and in a few months of shooting, we already understood that filming at home is just the beginning and we wanted more.
We began to contact other models to form a community so that we can exchange our experiences with each other. Eventually, we organized a meeting, rented a big villa, and met with a bunch of people trending on Pornhub. It was a success and gave a start to great friendships and solid partnerships that continue to this day.
Right around the same time, a big studio reached out to us asking if we could shoot a scene for them. It was well-received and we offered them help with other popular couples. And from there, we began to somewhat grow organically. We became an agency that focused on amateur couples. Today, our database features more than 60 couples and another 20 professional models. We get contacted by companies all over the world, but we always prioritize our long-standing partners who supported us from day one. I enjoy trying to run a business, and David is a businessman at heart with lots of experience. We want to build a big company in this industry and so far, everything is going according to plan. Of course, there are a lot of obstacles along the way, but we have a great team that’s always aiming to succeed. When you all share the same kind of mindset, it’s almost too easy.
What do you accredit your success to?
I get asked that a lot and my answer is always the same. I’m not that much different from most people. I grew up in a common family, had the same education as people around me, and everything that I have is simply a product of hard work and clear set goals. Every person can be successful in something if they are genuinely interested in it and are willing to work hard despite the obstacles they will face. We also say, “If you really want to, you can even go to space.” You will experience failure, but if you don’t give up, you will get better at it and eventually succeed. You need to nourish your curiosity, even if it means making porn films.
And then, of course, there is pure luck. Don’t take it all too seriously, adapt to changes, and don’t pass on possibilities. Sometimes, a random introduction or being in the right place at the right time is what it takes to get the ball rolling. And you might not even know where those possibilities can lead to, but at least you can try and find out.
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