Welcome back to our Pride Special Edition of Model Citizens. In the last year, Jkab Ethan Dale made a huge career change and it all started when he made his TikTok account back in March 2020. Since then, he's gained a huge following, became an Andrew Christian ambassador, and joined the adult industry.
Keep reading and find out how Jkab's life changed, how his choices impacted his happiness, and how he uses his social platforms for help others.
How long have you been in the industry and what influenced you to join?
So the funny thing is, I actually joined the industry 10 years ago. I did one video for Sean Cody, but it had a negative impact on my life to the point where I lost my job, some friends, and some of my family members were disappointed in me. So I stopped after that solo video.
Fast forward to now, I started seeing this younger generation, and even my own generation, saying, “Sex work is work,” and that just changed my frame of mind. I realized this is work and I’m not a bad person for wanting to do this! At this point, I had already kind of hit it big on TikTok, so I made my OnlyFans account in October, started shooting again with Sean Cody in January, and joined Pornhub.

Courtesy of Jkab Ethan Dale
What have you realized about yourself since making this career change and joining the adult industry?
I think the biggest thing I’ve learned about myself is that when I’m open to discovering what I truly love and what I want to try, I don’t allow myself to feel like I have to lie to be loved. When we grow up wanting to please our parents, we become conditioned to want to please the people around us. So we create this version of ourselves that’s like, "Okay, well, I don't want to have sex with 10 guys because, well, of course not. You’ll think less of me, therefore I would be less of a person." However, once I let that go, I realized that I’m happier with myself. It’s so cheesy, but it’s like what RuPaul says, "Until you learn to love yourself, how the hell are going to love anyone else?!"
I realized that in this business, I have to be myself and be proud of the choices I make. You have to make choices for yourself, discover what makes you happy in that moment, and realize that what makes you happy changes over time, and that's okay, too.
What sort of misconceptions to do you think people have about the industry?
I think that we're conditioned from a very young age to believe that sex is bad unless you have it with one person. One thing I have realized since joining the sex industry is that it’s very safe when you work with the right people, especially when it comes to testing. For example, when shooting with a studio, we get tested regularly, so I feel like sex is safer. We are open about it and take it seriously, whereas others who are afraid to talk about sex or feel ashamed of having sex, for example, may be more hesitant to get tested.
Is "Jkab Ethan Dale" a persona you put on when you're on camera or would you say you're yourself when filming?
When the door's closed, I kind of turn into a different person. I'm very talkative, sweet, kind, and so on, but as soon as the door closes, man, I'm a slut! So, I’d say it’s like a second persona, but still a version of myself, and I gave it another name to help separate the two while still being me.

Courtesy of Jkab Ethan Dale
You have over 500K followers on TikTok. When did you join and why do you think your TikTok blew up so quickly?
I have no idea! Technically I set up my account end of March last year ad posted my first TikTok April 1, 2020. I don’t know why anyone would follow me. The funny thing is, my TikTok is all over the place. There’s all these rules and tips on how to be successful, like how to find a niche. The only niche I have is that I’m mostly shirtless! During the election, I was posting many political videos, and people we’re like, “You shouldn’t do this, you’re going to lose followers.” And then that ended and I was like, “Ta-da! I have my shirt off again!” In all honesty, I think the reason why I blew up on TikTok is because I’m pretty much myself, and it’s a reflection of the fact that I’m all over the place. I think people see that it's genuine.
How are you dealing with the sudden fame? Are people starting to recognize you on the street?
I think masks help a lot! Between TikTok, Twitter, Pornhub, and being an ambassador for Andrew Chistian, I have been getting recognized more and more recently, like at the gym and at clubs. I find it really flattering right now. I feel like I’m also getting it a little more from other Asians, especially men. They come up to me and thank me. It definitely helps me feel proud of the decisions I’ve made.
Do use your social platforms to advocate against racial prejudice?
Absolutely, I think it’s extremely important to do so because I grew up in white suburbia and I know what it feels like to be the person of color who wants to be on the white person’s side. I remember being young and thinking, “If these people will accept me and say, "You’re cool for an Asian," or "You’re good looking for an Asian," then that was enough for me. I thought they accepted me and didn’t realize it actually is racist.
Once I realized that, which was actually recent, I began being more vocal and standing up to that kind of thing as much as I can. Especially since I blew up on TikTok, I want to use my platform to help people of color, Asian men, and Asian people in general, to feel better than I did growing up.
I've also been told that I talk a lot about issues that many other gay Asian men don't talk about in this business.

Courtesy of Jkab Ethan Dale
What kind of issues do you try to shed light on?
I think the gay Asian male experience is just very different than other men from other races that are in this business. For example, we were out for dinner one night and there was another Asian creator who said, "You know, I just don't think Asian-on-Asian is hot. I also think that, if I was going to sleep with another Asian man, they have to be really, really hot, but I would just sleep with an average person of any other race."
I think that kind of thinking happens often. It’s like Asian men have to be exceptional to be considered average. For us to compete, we have to be incredible just to be compared to other people who are considered average within other races.
There’s also this misconception that Asian men aren’t muscular or buff, so we’re put into this other category and it’s hard to change people’s perception of us. That’s something I’m trying to change and hopefully have an impact on while I’m doing this. There really isn’t many Asian men in the industry.
Why do you think that is?
I can’t speak for everyone, but I do think there are two reasons. Culturally, there’s this whole “model minority” myth that comes with being Asian. We are supposed to be the best minority. We’re considered to be the most studious, the smartest, the most hardworking, the quietest, and the ones who always set the best example. It’s ridiculous, and because of that, our culture also tells us that we have to continue to be like that in order to be able to assimilate and be accepted in America.
Even our families tell us, “You have to be the most perfect minority.” Therefore, why would we join a business, like the adult industry, where we’re often scrutinized or overlooked. As Asian men, we are considered to be the least attractive. We’ve been conditioned to think we’re not desired. So it’s difficult to take the leap into this world where I feel like, one, it goes against my culture, and two, people are already telling me I’m not attractive. I think it's one of the reasons why Asian men come up to me and thank me.
What kind of advice can you give to other men who have just joined the industry?
We can find sex anywhere, so what is it about you that makes you unique? Sure, I’m an attractive guy, but I’m not the hottest guy. However, I have a lot to say and I’m authentic. If you’re going to do this, you don’t have to share everything about yourself, but you have share a piece of your authentic side and show people who you are.
Follow Jkab Ethan Dale on Twitter and Instagram for photos and video updates
Twitter @jkabethandale
Instagram @jkabobs