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À propos de dahliademented
**I DO NOT ACCEPT FRIEND REQUESTS FROM MEN OR PEOPLE I DO NOT KNOW PERSONALLY***Goddess Dahlia to all of the beta bitches, pay pigs, cucks, sissies & submissive "men" who know their place.. and the beautiful, sexy, submissive women who are the only ones allowed to be of sexual servitude to me. Dahlia, lovely creature or that crazy bitch/evil cunt to the rest. Strong willed, creative and driven to succeed. Worthy of worship by submissive men & women alike. Business owner, law student, entrepreneur, professional Dominatrix, artist. Madly in love with the most amazing man who I've ever had the pleasure of meeting, who is my biggest supporter & creative muse. While we do not create much adult content together, we often collaborate for comedic sketches, music and live streams on SFW sites. I am utterly devoted/loyal to him and desire no other man sexually - they don't even exist to me and may as well be euniches. Bisexual and dates women with my King's blessing. Never submissive. FemDom/FinDom content
Situation amoureuse: Pris
Intéressé par: Filles
Sexe: Femme
Lieu de Naissance: United States of America
Mensurations: 34-27-38
Hauteur: 5' 7" (170cm)
Poids: 135lbs. (61kg)
Ethnicité: Other
Couleur des cheveux: Black
Faux Seins: Non
Tatouages: Yes
Piercings: Yes
Intérêts et Loisirs: Writing, creating art through various mediums (painting, drawing, sculpture, and so much more), coming up with new and interesting ways to create content. Writing, directing and filming. Sewing. Decorating. Travel. Yoga. Fashion design. Dancing. Photography/film. Learning as much as I can about law/business/content creation/technology associated with content creation/marketing/investment/art/language. Spending time with my love and collaborating. Getting back in to gaming. Body mods. Cooking. True crime. Reading. Satanism. Psychology.
Ce que j'aime: ***I DO NOT ACCEPT FRIEND REQUESTS FROM MEN OR PEOPLE I DO NOT KNOW PERSONALLY*** Wishlist: https://www.deliverycode.com/wishlist/33202 FemDom. Power. Money. Everything about my King. Curvaceous women (usually WOC) who are also strong, intelligent and know what they like. Natural big - yet perky - titties (fake isn't a deal breaker if they don't appear totally fake).. a booty I could be smothered with. Submissive women who want to be dominated, tied up and given so much pleasure that their legs are jello. Spanking women, leash & collar on women, sexual submission by women, using a strap-on on women. Giving golden showers. Eating pussy/having my pussy eaten by women or my King. Latex. Bondage. Pet play. Denying orgasms (men & women), ruining orgasms (men), chastity (both, particularly men, though, for long periods of time). Pegging. SPH. CBT. Humiliating men. Sissification. Cuckholding subs. Financial domination. (fantasy ONLY, I do not engage in real time ), mesmerize, mind fucking.
Ce que je déteste: Adult baby. Being called "Mommy". Diaper play. . Dominant men who approach with the intent of "making" me submissive. Submissive men - I take very good care of my subs, but I am not remotely sexually aroused by them or what I have them do.. it is merely for my own amusement and their fantasy fulfillment. Any man other than my King. Entitled men. Unrequested dick pics (I won't even open it. I don't care about your dick unless I am torturing it, and even then I don't care to see it.). Subs who claim they have "no limits". Subs who try to top from the bottom. Fake pay pigs/submissives. Disrespect of any sort. Women who treat other women like .
Visionnements de la vidéo: 152 216
Affichages de profil: 28 372
Vidéos vues: 77
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a déverrouillé une nouvelle réalisation : "7 year old account"
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a déverrouillé une nouvelle réalisation : "6 year old account"
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a déverrouillé une nouvelle réalisation : "5 year old account"
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a déverrouillé une nouvelle réalisation : "iFap"
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a déverrouillé une nouvelle réalisation : "4 year old account"
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So good to be back...

After an unexpected hiatus, it is so good to be back & about to begin doing what I love all over again - creating content & dominating the fuck out of the weaklings begging for the honor. Stay tuned.
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a déverrouillé une nouvelle réalisation : "2 year old account"
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a déverrouillé une nouvelle réalisation : "The Duke"
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a déverrouillé une nouvelle réalisation : "The Freshman"
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Just dropped 5k..

Just dropped 5k at My surgeons office. And I get free filler, plus 50% off of the touch up a year later. What to fill, what to fill... My lips are already done, although I wouldn’t mind a touch more in the upper lip.. My skin is still off the chain incredible, I don’t really have wrinkles.. I wonder if they’d just let Me do Botox, keep My face frozen to prevent it from even happening.. hmm.. decisions, decisions..
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Working on My latest..

Working on My latest video, a JOI CBT mild humiliation stepdaughter combination!
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Money makes Me wet.

People who pay for their porn are the best types of people, and My favorite notifications are the ones involving sales. I'm dollars away from hitting another nice, round number when I cash out. If I don't hit it, that's fine, I've still got a few hundred & some change but it'd be really nice to hit that point of a beautiful bump up to the next hundred mark. I love money, and it is pretty much the only way that any man aside from My husband can "turn Me on" but it honestly isn't even sexual to Me. It's the thrill of knowing My work pays off & that I can make a very substantial living as a Domme, in all of it's many forms.. The thrill of the many hours of work I put in to all that I do.. It's the thrill of knowing that I can purchase a Hermes bag without batting an eye or treat Myself to luxurious spa days, shopping sprees or beauty treatments whenever I damn well please. It's investing that money & watching it grow. I love it all, and it is all thanks to My numerous fans whether they be lowly losers, beta bitches, normies, women or any other form they have come to Me in over the years. For that, I am grateful.. for My fans, I am grateful. And for the people who pay for their porn & don't try to slide in to My DMs,trying to chat Me up & looking utterly foolish in doing so, I am very grateful. For those who pay, are respectful of My boundaries & don't try to cross that line with Me, who show their appreciation by tipping & leaving heartfelt comments or who are members of My fanclub & DM just to talk to Me as a person rather than trying to get more from Me than I'll ever be willing to give, or who don't try to claim that they're some big porn producer, trying desperately to sound professional as they tell Me that they would like to shoot a video with Me on the basis of "business" [really??? Have you any idea how fake that looks & sounds?? Even if it was for real, I DON'T CREATE VANILLA PORN, I WILL NEVER FUCK ANY OTHER MAN ASIDE FROM MY MAN, I'D HAVE NO DESIRE TO GROW BIG IN THE REGULAR PORN INDUSTRY, THE KIND OF AUDIENCE THAT YOU PULL IN IS NOT THE KIND OF AUDIENCE THAT I PULL IN, NOR DO I WANT THEM TO BE WITH THEIR VANILLA TENDENCIES & "HEY BABY/BEAUTIFUL/SEXY/GORGEOUS" DMs THAT ARE LITERALLY A PENNY A DOZEN! I'd set up a meeting with you just so I could smack the ever loving out of you for of the younger, naïve generation of women who would do anything to people please & get ahead, falling for your bullshit because they are so desperately want to succeed. You are utter trash for preying upon the dreams of young women & should be sterilized, AFTER you've had your ass fucked hard with no lube & then kicked by men who times the man scummy, trash ass like you could ever hope to be. If I were a man, I'd be ashamed to share a gender with such bottom feeding gutter trash as lame ass disguised as "porn producers" with bullshit promises to do "so much" for a young woman's career. If by so much you mean gift her with diseases & tarnish her name in the legit porn industry because you haven't the vaguest clue about industry standards, then yeah, you'll do so much that she'll never work a legit porno in her life. This is why I'm going to start My own production company, from the bottom up, while also managing the girls I actually see true potential in.. I will be viciously hated by many, but that's nothing new, nor is it something that has ever bothered Me, because I'm a ball busting BITCH, a true CUNT ON HEELS who will stand up for My girls & put trash ass, pseudo producers in their place, or give My girls the strength to say no to films they don't want to do because they are too afraid in the past to displease someone in the industry & ruin their careers.. Damn right I will stand up and protect young, new girls from sharks & other predators who see a piece of ass tied to a quick piece of cash. The days of that draconian line of thinking are numbered.] But I digress... I absolutely adore money, all the more because I will not do just anything for it. I won't lower My standards for the almighty dollar, making customs or clips that I would loathe ever second of just for a big paycheck. I'd rather work hard, do what I love [FemDom] and feel good about Myself when I go to at night, rather than absolutely hate Myself each night because I allowed some slimy grease ball of a "man" talk Me in to doing something I would normally never consider because of the dollar amount involved. I shudder to think of some wealthy asshat waving stacks of cash in front of My face on the condition that I pretend I want him, am turned on by him, touching Myself for him, get wet saying his name, ect.. Ew. Ew. Ew. Ewwww!!! That. Would. Never. Happen. Not for a hundred million dollars, not if a gun was being pointed at My head. I'd rather live in a cardboard box or die than have to live with the memory in which I betrayed Myself for the disgusting pleasure of a man who wouldn't even register as a man to My woman should our paths have crossed on the street. A man who is little league to My MLB in terms of personality & character. This is why I only give that part of Myself to My beloved husband, he is the only man who has - through his love, devotion, understanding & supportive-in-whatever-I-do nature - earned the right to My hypersexualized nymphomaniac, the one who's desire is for him & no other man... Fact of the matter is that I am so insanely horny, 24/7 7 days a week, that I could stay attached to his dick or grinding My pussy on his face while he works My clit with his tongue & fingers Me mercilessly until the end of time. I want to have sex all day, every day.. but only with him because My horniness, My desire for him & him alone stem from the fact that I'm so deeply in love with him, so connected mentally, intellectually & spiritually that sex transcends mere fucking & goes right on in to that mooshy, romantic term I always hated of "making love"... but that's exactly what it feels like, and during marathon sessions, or afterwards when we are curled up together, I feel like I forget where I end & he begins. That kind of oneness is what makes sex so appealing with the man who I would give My life to see happy & healthy. He is My man, My lover, My best friend. And I'll be damned if I ever show all of that desire to someone else for money, if I ever make a video cooing "oh *insert name of rando here* I've wanted your dick for soooo long... it's sooooo big... oh My Lucifer, I don't think I can handle it... I'm so wet for you....." Cue eye roll so hard that I catch a glimpse of My brain. Disgusting. The thought of spewing those lies for money, or having any other man think that I want him is just FOUL. So fucking FOUL. I am the ultimate bitch whenever I encounter men like that, especially if it is clearly stated that I have a husband who I love. I am amused by the entire encounter, because without a doubt they then go on to insult My appearance or call Me a slut, or cheap, or some other bullshit that is exactly the opposite of what I have demonstrated that I really am. Hmm... I'm "ugly", yet you propositioned Me... so, I guess you like ugly chicks. I'm a "slut" or "cheap", yet I refuse you both with & without the offer of money.. I'm a bitch/cunt, well DUH! I'm a "man hating femnazi", yet not only am I married & get along better with men than women, I fight back against blatant "all men are the same" manhating tactics. I'm a "bitch who no one will want to fuck", yet I have dick on demand & am the one who tires My husband out because of My insatiable appetite for him... and I have more women in My DMs that a "sugar daddy" who offers the sugar, minus the sex. 'Scuse Me while I pat you on your delusional little head, because in all actuality when I say that I literally do not give a good Lucifer damn about what others think of Me, I actually mean it. I think that that is what bothers many men the most, the fact that, unlike a lot of women who are extremely self-conscious and will bend to the will of men out of fear that they will see her as something unappealing, or make a snide remark or even perhaps start a rumor, I quite literally laugh at their self assumed, entitled sense of importance over My well being & confidence. I had one a couple of years ago who really does stick out for how absurd his remarks were after I turned him down. He ACTUALLY said to Me, as an attempt to try to get Me to send him nudes, "Girls who are way prettier than you have turned me down." his rationale being that since I'm so much "uglier" than the ones who had turned him down that I Should feel honored he wants My pics & I should send them.. I laughed in his face and told him, "You don't think that I am aware tha there are women out there who are more attractive than I am?? Of COURSE there are, there will always be someone who is more attractive, someone who is more intelligent, ect... That is the natural order of things, that is how life works. Alert the press!! This boy has discovered women who are more attractive than Me!! You DO understand that looks fade, right? That they are superficial, don't last a lifetime & that you had better have something to offer other than looks in life or you're going to be sadly disappointed. I love the way I know that I'm beautiful & that's all that matters at the end of the day. I love Myself. And I have someone who thinks that I'm the most beautiful woman in the world, not JUST because of My sex appeal. So, if you think you're going to neg & then outright try to bash My self esteem so that I give you what you want, you are poorly mistaken.". The entire conversation was a thing of beauty, ending when he got so frustrated & felt so defeated that HE blocked ME. Hahaha. Good times.
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I want to start running again SO BAD, and now My favorite website has a bogo 50% off sale on their active wear, with the cutest outfit for $9.98 per top and bottom, plus an additional 50% off one item and here I am saving for surgery, penny pinching and they had to go and do this to Me NOW. I swear, it's the universe telling Me it's time to get back on My running schedule at the worst possible time, I want to do it before surgery just because I know I won't be able t be as active for a few weeks but damn it why couldn't this have occurred like... after next week?! Hahaha.
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And, since today is Thursday, that means that there will be a live show shortly [roughly an hour] at www.DahliaDemented.com!
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