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Kimmy Granger

Kimmy Granger

À propos de
Naissance: 1995-05-18
Lieu de naissance: San Diego, California, United States of America
Hauteur: 5 pi 1 po (155 cm)
Poids: 99 lb (45 kg)
Classement hebdomadaire
Classement mensuel
Le Mois dernier
Classification annuelle
Visionnements de la vidéo

Tous les commentaires (235)

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il y a 9 ans
Future best pornstar of all times
il y a 2 ans
Just for you to stroke my cock so I can feel your beautiful soft hand slide up and down my dick. I'd happily allow men to make love to me and swallow their cum or they can nut in me even better . I'll just say put it in me good big daddy. And man do they fuck me good then I guess I make them horny saying that.
il y a 8 ans
who else thinks that she looks like hermione from harry potter if you read this you should make a porno where you are Hermione 
il y a 4 ans
Nice love it nice weekend
il y a 4 ans
You are very beautifulYou are very beautifulYou are very beautifulYou are very beautifulYou are very beautifulYou are very beautifulYou are very beautifulYou are very beautifulYou are very beautiful
il y a 8 ans
il y a 4 ans
👈🏼(👀)👍🏼 I Thanks ✊🏼💦👅
il y a 7 ans
tHE WORst shit i ever watched in my life
il y a 9 ans
A lot of people would like you to sign up with "Teens Love Anal", "Let's Try Anal", or even "Tushy" to do an anal scene. Don't forget about how good you'll look getting a rimjob!!!
il y a 4 ans
👈🏼(👀)👍🏼 I Thanks ✊🏼💦👅
il y a 7 ans
Finally! A super hot white girl that doesn't have a page full of bbc.  I think I just found my new favorite model.
il y a 8 ans
She looks so much like Anne Hathaway
il y a 6 ans
Will you ever do anal ? You of the best❤️ pls do it
il y a 9 ans
your are the best nothing makes me cum like u!
il y a 9 ans
Kimmy you are becoming my favorite ! You ride like a goddess
il y a 8 ans
Hi kimmy granger am biggest fan of yours i would love to have sex with you for $100.000
il y a 8 ans
.... thats called prostitution. plus she makes prob. a 5-6 figure salary. $1000 isnt uncommon for a job.
il y a 4 ans
Happy birthday, Kimmy. May all your wishes come true!
il y a 6 ans
Does she fuck anyone besides Chad White?
il y a 6 ans
Would like to be you for a day! To be fucked in my tight, wet, pussy and make movies!?? That would be awesome!
il y a 6 ans
my favourite
il y a 7 ans
kimmy is so sexxy
il y a 7 ans
I love her or wish I could she's so sexy!
il y a 8 ans
Kimmy please contact me
il y a 9 ans
something about jimmy
il y a 9 ans
Do i get to meet you?
il y a 1 an
we'd love to make movies with Kimmy!!!!!
il y a 1 an
Would also love to make porn with her she is a 10/10
il y a 3 ans
Kimmy is fantastic!!! Her ride is amazing!!! Just as her blowjob, super wet!!!
il y a 4 ans
Hi Kimmy I wanted to let you know how much I love your videos you of my all time favorites I think you are so beautiful and sexy and you make me so wet and cum so hard! 😘
il y a 4 ans
Happy birthday! ❤
il y a 4 ans
Happy Birthday, Kimmy!!! Enjoy a wonderfully blessed, beautiful
il y a 4 ans
Beautiful and sexy slim body and dude she’s the best dick rider I haven’t seen anyone better yet if she ride my dick I wouldn’t last 10 seconds.
il y a 5 ans
Belle tette
il y a 5 ans
She can fart on my nose any day while I am sticking my nose in her smelly asshole!
il y a 5 ans
If I win the lottery, I'd offer her $1,000,000 to spend a weekend with me in Hawaii. Knowing my luck, she'd probably say hell no.
il y a 5 ans
She is sexy and hot
il y a 5 ans
If youre here from birdman, follow 😶
il y a 5 ans
o.o emma watson is a pornstar...
il y a 5 ans
She is beautiful ❤❤❤
il y a 5 ans
Kimmy I love u so fucking much....no girl on earth can make me jerk as u do....i love your face your smile your most beautiful pussy...thinking of you makes me horny every single time....love u my sweatheart my life...❤❤❤❤❤💋💋💋👅
il y a 5 ans
I think every one will be happy if you make one great anal scene
il y a 6 ans
The pornstar in my opinion
il y a 6 ans
She is one of the preetiest pornstar ever seen
il y a 6 ans
please grow a small of hair, for those of us who don't like bald pussies.  so un natrual looking being bald, much more sensual with hair,
il y a 7 ans
il y a 7 ans
Wow very sexy
il y a 8 ans
she's so good. Spend a lot of jerking and sperm on her :-) hahaha
il y a 8 ans
I want you very much
il y a 8 ans
Kimmy fucking Granger everybody
il y a 9 ans
My favorite! Gorgeous girl!
il y a 7 ans
Jimmy Granger... where to begin? Holy shit, that's where. What an amazing star. A rock solid 10. I envy any man fortunate enough to pass her on the street.
il y a 1 semaine
Bellissima 💗
il y a 1 mois
Looking for the video she did as a babysitter in a black dress
il y a 2 mois
Wow Kimmy what a wonderful career you are having in this video shocked me because I had a backtrack to see who the models were I love the way how you feel in each performance to make it seem to be real and The thing is it is all real thank you for being a guideline in my wife's and I future hope to collaborate with you soon take care,
il y a 2 mois
What do you call nuts on a wall? Walnuts. What do you call nuts on a chest? Chestnuts. What do you call nuts on a chin? Blow job.
il y a 3 mois
I love you Kimmy
il y a 5 mois
When it comes to riding, Kimmy is absolutely the best.
il y a 5 mois
I have been beyond infatuated with you for a decade now , I would give anything to have one fuck session with you, if I was dyin and had one wish through make a wish, it would be to give her everything I had and bury my face between her legs, I’ve had many dreams of what that sweet pussy tastes like as my tongue rolls over your clit. There is nothing in this world I want more. She’s a goddess. God made no mistakes with this girl. Please do a fan fuck video one day, I accept all profits go to
il y a 8 mois
Tell you right now you're a bad bad b**** you can ride a cock like I never seen before my life real I hope one day I get to find out how you can ride that cock
il y a 11 mois
You have a platinum quality to you and thats rare in the business, absolutely love your work. Maybe Ill be on your level one day 😉
il y a 1 an
SUPERGIRL the only one who has that supernatural power to makes me feel like I amfeeling body contact
il y a 1 an
let hang out i would fuck you so badly
il y a 1 an
if you had a paypal link i would donate $$$$ monthly
il y a 1 an
il y a 1 an
Jimmy granger is highly underrated here!
il y a 1 an
what the hank that man doing with kimmy in his videos https://www.pornhub.com/model/itchyballs00
il y a 1 an
EventhoughIonlystartedafewmonthsago,I'dbehonoredifkimmywereafriend.Sheisaterrificperformer,andItrulylovewhatshedoes.Contrarytopopularbelief,adultscanhaveadultpleasureandarenowallowedtoflauntthefactthatwearesexy. youcanfollowmeifyouwant. https://www.pornhub.com/model/itchyballs00
il y a 1 an
EventhoughIonlystartedafewmonthsago,I'dbehonoredif kimmywereafriend.Sheisaterrificperformer,andItrulylovewhatshedoes.Contrarytopopularbelief,adultscanhaveadultpleasureandarenowallowedtoflauntthefactthatwearesexy. youcanfollowmeifyouwant. https://www.pornhub.com/model/itchyballs00
il y a 1 an
Video with Vanessa Veracruz?
il y a 1 an
il y a 1 an
il y a 1 an
Happy birthday beauty!
il y a 2 ans
Wow you are so sexy
il y a 2 ans
My load in u love***after 2 dozen orgasums I give to you! 😘 I guy can definitely dream huh! U make me do that a lot my sweet love!! So perfect 🧡💙💕
il y a 2 ans
Let's make a movie baby to finally upload on My page!!it would mean everything to have you come be filmed taking being drilled for as long as and hard as u want love! I know I could make love to u all day and night. Until you make me blow I full of
il y a 2 ans
such a good adult actress
il y a 2 ans
il y a 2 ans
Kimmy what would someone have to pay to have sex with you?
il y a 2 ans
I'm definitely in lust with you and would love to be your partner and go to friend. PLEASE LET ME MEET YOU
il y a 2 ans
Hi Kimmy, long time nothing heard about you
il y a 2 ans
New hot vid in pov! LEST GO GUYS! Give me more attention ! :* !
il y a 2 ans
I love it when the stars actually look like they're having a good time & want to be there, which she certainly does which makes it a lot more enjoyable to watch.
il y a 2 ans
I wish I could pm this question, but did you graduate from Alvirne HS in 2014 by any chance Kimmy? Your name, face, age, skin, voice, hair, even your breasts match someone that I went to school with and I'm wondering if that's actually you... If so, I'd be interested to catch up with my old friend and would appreciate a message. Platonically of course. If you are the person I think you are, I'm sure you remember the guy who always carried a Bible and hung out in the library or art room a lot?
il y a 2 ans
I love your videos your my favorite you can tell your not faking an orgasm like most your wonderful keep up doing what your doin
il y a 2 ans
Hey kimmy its Eddie...
il y a 2 ans
You are the cutest and hottest porn star without a doubt baby. I'll put it like this if I had to make intimate love to another man literally stroke his dick while I'm making eye contact.Telling him that his dick is all I've ever wanted and needed in my life. All I would do is try to please him asking for his approval as my soft hands stroke his dick and I tell him I love him and that I want him to be the first man to make love to me and put his dick balls deep in me. Id let men fuck me
il y a 2 ans
Make more videos. For real, one of my favorite pornstars
il y a 3 ans
u r my fav! thanks 4 being u
il y a 3 ans
nice videos
il y a 3 ans
Amazing 🖤
il y a 3 ans
I would like to fuck her sometime in my life :-P
il y a 3 ans
kimmy,baby, please make a new footjob video! your toes are the most beautiful! pray
il y a 3 ans
So gorgeous
il y a 3 ans
il y a 3 ans
Pede ba kita ma Kantot khit imposible
il y a 3 ans
Hej suko bitch
il y a 3 ans
you're funny. I love your videos
il y a 3 ans
La mejor de toda
il y a 3 ans
il y a 3 ans
Господи какаяже ты чудесная 🔥🔥🔥
il y a 3 ans
Best pornstar for me, you are gorgeous😋
il y a 3 ans
Hola chicos pasen a ver mis videos
il y a 3 ans
God just give me one night with jimmy granger and I would slut her out
il y a 3 ans
il y a 3 ans
she's gorgeous
il y a 3 ans
Favourite porn star is definitely Kimmy Granger. Very hard to top her videos.
il y a 3 ans
One of my favorites!
il y a 3 ans
We get off by filming ourselves and sharing the videos with you! what is your kink? 🙂
il y a 3 ans
you should be ranked much much higher!!
il y a 4 ans
I'm definitely a fan of Kimmy I ain't seen a video of her beautiful pussy that didn't have me on throbbing long rock fuckin hard and hot fucking with hand grabbing rubbing stroking it as I slide off pants and squirt lube all over my cock and just keep jacking fast long cock getting harder and harder and cum is building up to a little more grip and just a few seconds OMG I'm cumin so fucking hard cock is getting even more I am exploding again and again Kimmy i would love to Fuck u gorgeous pussy
il y a 4 ans
I need a compilation of her cumming hard from every fuck on film where she came hard.
il y a 4 ans
Heey how are you
il y a 4 ans
If you can see my thing and gave me your real opinión ill be honored tank you i got pearls inside dont get scared
il y a 4 ans
I love this girl! Come check me if you like teen girl!❤
il y a 4 ans
You are such a sexy sweetie - please..please ! dont change a thing on you
il y a 4 ans
Let’s shoot a film and make history
il y a 4 ans
il y a 4 ans
u r amazing
il y a 4 ans
Best feet pornstar 🥰🥰🥰
il y a 4 ans
Kimmy granger text me
il y a 4 ans
would love to chat your SUPER SEXY btw in sure you ALREADY KNEW lol
il y a 4 ans
Well I’m just saying Kimmy is one of my top three lol.
il y a 4 ans
il y a 4 ans
Ride on dear
il y a 4 ans
You can pegging
il y a 4 ans
ciao kimmy, sono un tuo grande fan... ho il pene di 18 cm e quando penso a te esplode di gioia, io voglio venire sulle tue tette e poi leccartele e mangiarmi la mia sborra, facciamo una threesome con Gianmarco mio figlio.. purtroppo lui preferisce le vecchie pornostar... ha dei gusti figlio del cazzo fatto per sbaglio. con affetto il tuo bananone18, e non è l'eta 😀
il y a 4 ans
Хочу трахать, кто просил. Я хочу как минимум 3 раза удивить
il y a 4 ans
❤❤ Happy birthday! ❤❤
il y a 4 ans
I know you probably won't read this. but if you do, I have to say, I love your videos. you are my favorite and I have been subscribed to you for a while now and I think that you are the most beautiful and have the most perfect body out of all the other pornstars I have ever seen. you are the one that got me into anal porn and you are the best at it. Thank you for existing.
il y a 4 ans
I would love to be ft or work with you
il y a 4 ans
Hi maybe look at me 😊
il y a 4 ans
she look a lot like my ex from Hungary
il y a 4 ans
Kimmy Grainger is with out a doubt one of the sexiest porn star's that i have had the pleasure of watching her perform.
il y a 4 ans
You've had a dick as big as ur profile pic?
il y a 4 ans
You are very beautiful
il y a 4 ans
Kimmy has it all. Beautiful, fun personality, and fucks like a minx. Let's hope they don't bring her down. Just watched her go at it with Ricky Johnson and some of her moves excited both Ricky and me.
il y a 4 ans
il y a 4 ans
She’s so hot , I wish I fuck her once in that life
il y a 4 ans
she is pretty
il y a 4 ans
Y’all hmu lol
il y a 4 ans
Kimmy, it's time to go black.
il y a 4 ans
Kimmy you’re toes are so sexy
il y a 4 ans
Estás bien rica mami
il y a 4 ans
How do I get in contact with you. Omg want you so bad
il y a 5 ans
i think we should have sex
il y a 5 ans
il y a 5 ans
I hope she continues to resist the temptation to bolt on fake titties to this body. It's exquisite just the way it is. (I hope I haven't jinxed it now.lol)
il y a 5 ans
love your ass and the way you ride cock
il y a 5 ans
Hey Kimmy Granger you have a good great beautiful super Kimmy Granger hot of my favorite the most one ! 😍😘🤟❤💖❤💖❤💖💖❤💖
il y a 5 ans
New to pornhub, admired ur work thrugh various sites, hope we can talk atleast once my whole life
il y a 5 ans
I have a very big penis you can enjoy and register a porn video
il y a 5 ans
4027099540 I love you!
il y a 5 ans
Wow so nice
il y a 5 ans
call me (07858635535) for sex
il y a 5 ans
You're beautiful and White with Chad Greene. Or white.. Oh Granger! You're perfect. I want to ne 1 of 5 in Alpha come up Possé. Starting with a sub like you and a Mistress Dom. Ceara Lynch handle our money? Lmk. Cafe by.....2022. It's just school. Saffron is my wheart? Lost my pc drive n email. THChuck420@hotmail.com or aol.
il y a 5 ans
Guys, stop going on this comment section, another settlement needs your help, I'll mark it on your map for you
il y a 5 ans
I wish I could quit my job and watch Kimmy take creampies for the rest of my life😩
il y a 5 ans
I just watched you give a bloke the absolute best blowjob I've ever seen. To me at least,you are 100%perfection in all aspects.
il y a 5 ans
Fucking marry me
il y a 5 ans
il y a 5 ans
What a great looking ass you have honey 😍😍
il y a 5 ans
Mobile legends famous name, she is a legend! Kimmy and Granger, combine to ultimate pornstar mobile legend hero🤣
il y a 5 ans
il y a 5 ans
bought the Kimmy Granger fleshlight. worth the buy. wow!
il y a 5 ans
Good Time hot sexy
il y a 5 ans
UR STEP DAUGHTER KIMMY GRANGER GETS HOME FROM SCHOOL N STRETCHES HER PUSSY, just watched this video and Kimmy adresses me by my name. is this typical? I think I might be in Love.
il y a 5 ans
Will You Do A Porno With Me?
il y a 5 ans
I like her, so pretty, so good, she is a real porn ACTRESS, her acting, moves, She's awesome, I watched her scissoring and eating out and I love it, her pleasure's a dream I'd like to live…
il y a 5 ans
Nothing else than three-some and pov. Nothing where she's with 1 partner without shoes on premium damn
il y a 5 ans
And Manuel Ferrera sucks ass
il y a 5 ans
I love you Kimmy Granger my baby girl ! 😍😘💖❤💖❤💖
il y a 5 ans
Definitely the hottest woman alive. If I win the lottery, I would literally pay a million dollars for one night with you. It's not even just your absolutely flawless, body, feet, and face, but your sparkling personality as well. You have honestly ruined all other women for me. Not a single day goes by that I don't dream about meeting you. I would do almost anything in the world for that.
il y a 5 ans
Just bought your fleshlight. No comment yet.
il y a 5 ans
hey Kimmy Granger you super girl and my name is Marcos Fuentes
il y a 5 ans
Would You wanna do some collab work and make some rly good content to put on here so we can get thousands of more views and our rankings go up! Hmu and lmk promise we would make some.rly good videos especially with the ideas I have! Check out my blow job video real.fast first if you can before you make your mind up! I just have some really good ideas about content and different things to do so just hear me out! ; )
il y a 5 ans
Sexy, you got a new fan here.
il y a 5 ans
You wanna collab together and make some rly rly good content for on here where you gets thousands and thousands of views and ur ranking get rly good! Hmu and lmk promise we would make some.rly good videos especially with the ideas I have! Check out my blow job video real.fast first if you can before you make your mind up!
il y a 5 ans
il y a 5 ans
Cum check me out guys I’m new!💕👅
il y a 5 ans
I wonder can she handle me
il y a 5 ans
I'm in love with her, she is the best looking porn star all the times !!! ;*
il y a 5 ans
You are most of my favorite is Kimmy Granger beautiful in the pornstar! 😘😍💖⚘🤟💯
il y a 5 ans
i love you..even my cock loves you ❤
il y a 5 ans
Hey I'm fans you super beautiful of Kimmy Granger my favorite a girl. 😇🤟💖
il y a 5 ans
You are so a beautiful of Kimmy Granger pornstar my favorite fans. 😍😅🤟👍💖
il y a 5 ans
I wanna cum
il y a 5 ans
I would give almost anything for one night with Kimmy Granger.
il y a 5 ans
Hey Im a huge fan and Im,just wondering u got Skype
il y a 5 ans
Kimmy is so fucking sexy
il y a 5 ans
FlipKing11 wrote apost on I'm looking for 6 top female models to join me in a night of pure bliss while skyrocketing our revenues. Hmu if your interested
il y a 5 ans
We should do a double foot job for together
il y a 5 ans
If you are a beautiful female and interested in paid modeling and/or being a Pornstar friend me here: https://www.pornhub.com/model/pornstarmaker
il y a 5 ans
Hi my love .. i need your contact
il y a 5 ans
She looks like a mix between (kimmy) gibbler and hermione (granger)
il y a 5 ans
Hey! Do not miss my videos, watch them, enjoy them, share them, give me many likes, mark them as favorites and subscribe to my channel. Videos and new photos every month, are you going to miss it? www.pornhub.com/model/hildegard-more fancentro.com/hildegardmore You can also find me on Chaturbate. so you can have a good time and have fun with me live. https://en.chaturbate.com/hildegardmore/
il y a 5 ans
You're so fucking hot, anything that starts with such a gorgeous is bound to get high reviews and deep, .....emotions.
il y a 5 ans
Has Kimmy Granger done any interracial scenes? I can't seem to find any
il y a 5 ans
Do u mind changing your cover photo(who ever is controlling her account)
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