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Débuter la semaine gratuite sur Pornhub premiumArse-Addict!! Currently living in the West Midlands on temporary hiatus from London . London, I'll be back before you know it!! ;-P education: My (unhealthy?) obsession with male arses has just led me to the completion my Masters degree with Honours in analingus (arse-licking). Passed with distinction and am now super proud to be able to hang my new certificate in the space next to my PhD in arseplay & expiration. Have just been mentioned in British newspaper, the Guardian online as fast becoming one of the countries leading experts in burying ones face in sweaty hairy manbutt!! :-P general info: 35 year old naturally masculine guy here. submissive but not bottom.. obsessed with arse but love to be told what to do.. i get high off the smell of musky sweaty arse crack, pits, cock & balls - love to soak in the smell of a sweaty pair of undies whilst being used by a guy. love to be teased by a hot arse, being made to work for it.. (also recently getting into unwashed dicks too on certain guys wi
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